April 7, 2010

Piece of Crap

Hey know what, exam is over! Woohoo… but the sad case is . it’s just a temporary one. As Wei Shan said, the exam marks the beginning of our reflection . Acting like a mirror, we start to sense fear , come’ on , 7 more months left ! Hey , you really think time creeps in petty pace from day to day, just like what you can find from Life Brief Candle of William Shakespeare?

I couldn’t help it. I really despise history. Oh no i mean the history found in Sejarah Text Book Tingkatan 4 from Chapter 2 to 8. Oh damn it, I am memorizing it for the sake of memorizing , for the sake of getting an ace in SuPerMan Exam! The only way to score is, I must embrace it and love it.

Off I go. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w waiting for me there…

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