February 15, 2011

Happy CNY

Special CNY for me this year.

On a yearly basis, we will be going back to Segamat , Johor where my dad hometown located at, but this year, we had to worry whether we can back to hometown since merciless rain god turned the entire city into a terrible nightmare for all Segamatians!

Fortunately there was another way back to hometown. Therefore we went back home through Yong Peng, since we had no other alternative. Thanks God. Otherwise I had to spend my days in KL, boredom kills.


See how terrible it is? Floating house! Imagine you had to compromise all these unfortunates during CNY. And people there had to even sweep and mop all the dirts , rubbish away despite what we Chinese believe, we are strongly discouraged to sweep on the first day of CNY. No more wealth and prosperity for all victims these year… they must sweep anyway. According to dad, the water level was 8-feet high! Railway, shop houses were severely damaged. Pity…

Well anyway, this was kinda special CNY for me too, because there were a lot of first attempts!

First time shopping with my brothers.


First time decorating my house.


An idea from my daddy. And 2 red notes gone missing after some relatives paid their visit.


First time lighting up firecracker at my house. And yeah, that night we won money from gambling SmileFirecracker brings luck man~

Playing with cousins’ kids at hometown since we had nothing to do.

Hi everyone, meet Joel and Joie !



Kids love sand.




Yeah that’s my dad’s kampung. Felt very satisfied and contented of having a hometown in this kind of rural place, that gave me a peace mind while being away from hassles in the urban city. Love Green.


The temple that located a few metres away from kampung. That’s the place my dad spent when he was a teen. Overnight at this temple alone and study. That’s why we must went there everytime we’re back, since we believe that the Gods inside are the Ones that always give us blessings.


3 families.


My first time Lao Sang with friends. And I dislike eating Lao Sang normally, but this year I managed to finish it, miraculously…

First time with KongMing lanterns. Sorry la these may cause disturbance to airplanes, but first attempt thrilled me infinitely !


Surprised? KL wrote in Chinese leh… (he wrote himself) Guess what he wrote? DSC02236

Jia Pin with her red lantern.


And Tin’s lantern. Sorry to say,lousy handwriting.


Wei Shan.


Hong Seng. Yeah nice writing.


Mine Finally.


Of course , all our lanterns went up successfully at the end (except for ah tin’s one- a little cacat), and surely all the wishes came true!

The Eighth night…


Prayed the sky god (direct translate) on the eighth night. And my first time viewing fireworks in such a short distance. Waoh amazing. The dark sky was almost as bright as the day when countless fireworks shot up from all directions! The fireworks are costly man~


Visited Dong Chan Temple.

A special and jubilant new year. Yet there was regret. When others can enjoy their reunion dinners, we had to eat without having my dear sister around, since she is now in US. Listening to 1FM,NTV7 and TV8 artists singing 团圆饭(reunion dinner) made me felt glum, for I started thinking how pitiful my sister was while being alone in country miles away from here.

Never appreciated reunion dinners last time until my sister left. How true it is – Absence makes hearts grow fonder. I want a true reunion dinner as soon as possible…

Well, in line with advance technology nowadays, we are able to chat through webcams. And hey, we even practise e-praying!


Well a rabbit year , hopefully I can leap forward with full momentum, like a rabbit , A BIG LEAP towards success , towards my goals!

and yeah, I would like to wish that my SPM result will be a satisfying one – with flying/soaring/gliding COLORS, and also wish that I can be able to pass my driving lesson. Have to admit that, I’m now a weak driver. Obtuse judgement while driving…

It’s coming to an end. Hey people, get yourselves back to daily routines.

Have a jubilant one.


心想事成         年年有余

恭喜发财       一本万利

  身体健康    大吉大利

   事事顺利     扬眉兔气

    万事如意      龙马精神

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