November 8, 2009

SonnyBiZ --Celebration

The end year examination was finally over and now i could breathe a sigh of relief. Because of it, I sacrificed my sweet time with my pillow and bolster, burnt midnight oil until 4 or even 5:30am everyday. Because of it, pimples again grew on my once smooth cheeks. Because of it, I have a pair of panda eyes again. Because of it, I have no time to blog! However, it was my worst performance since kindergarden lol. Never did I feel so scared when I looked at the exam papers. Wow, what to do?

I am not that type of hardworking student so I have to suffer so much and yet, I able to predict how awful my results are. See? In Chinese proverb , we said - Hug The Buddha's legs at last minute will bring no good (translated literally). Even Buddha also refuse to help! So have to study next time.

SonnyBiZ Enterprise had stopped the business operation before exam. Company has been liquidated and everything left behind was just a pile of memories... Next Monday we are going for competition in Equatorial Hotel again. Hopefully we could appear as the best EYE company and bring a big big prize back to school lol. xD We deserve to get the first, don't we? We managed to earn approximately RM 18 000 . Last year champion only managed to get RM 11000. So , let's hope for the best!

The SonnyBiZ Celebration . 14 Large DOMINO PIZZAS!!!

Advisor giving explanation of the competition next week. Apparently what captivated the employees' imterest most is the inviting pizzas in front! Eventually...

Everybody seemed so freaking excited in sight of the 14 different flavours of PIZZAS! Those who did not turn up ar... such a waste..

Take photo only. Why so gan cheong(nervous)?

5 minutes later......

Almost finished by the hungry ghosts... or a hungry ghost , I should say.

Let's see....

Oh MY GOD!!! Note the red circle and you'll know why I was in a shock!!!

Two slices of pizzas plus one more in hand.

Poor Mandy Lee...

Lol... People don't call you _____ for no reason.

* This explains why the rate of teenagers suffer from obesity increases .... ==

Ida grabbed the last piece of Donimo's PIZZA!!! The 4th slice for her I think... Or even more, perhaps?

And no more for poor Ka Ling...

Pui Ling - the guitarist played a song before the celebration ended

All the best for the presentation and displayed booth next MONDAY!!!!!!!

And this was what Ms Lee left behind...

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